Natural Medicine for Seasonal Allergies

Ah, Spring! We welcome the pleasant weather, the scent of new blossoms, and open our windows to the rush of fresh air. Along with that, we invite in pollen, grass, mold, and spores. For those who are allergic, our bodies launch a major immune response designed to flush out the offensive agents. This can result Read More

Preventing Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome

Have you been diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus (DM)? Have you been told that you have increased cholesterol, hypertension and rising blood sugar levels, even if some of these look ‘normal’ on a lab test? Unfortunately, leaving any of these conditions untreated can lead to numerous complications – heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, circulation problems, lower Read More

Safe and Happy Summer

Each season brings its own kind of fun and enjoyment, but with these pluses also come a special set of challenges. The arrival of summer is no exception. As the sun beats down and the air heats up, remember these 5 important tricks to help you stay safe and healthy this summer.   Stay hydrated, Read More

7 Reasons Why You are Always Tired

I hear the same thing over and over in my practice – “I just don’t have enough energy!” “I’m so tired all the time.” One of the top five health concerns that I see when new patients arrive in my office is that their energy levels aren’t sufficient enough and often complain of fatigue, especially Read More

Dietary Therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine

“Drink milk for maintaining healthy bones.” “Eat 5-7 servings a day of …” “Eat garlic – because is good for you.” “Don’t drink more than two cups of coffee per day.” We’ve heard them all. So many phrases, guidelines, and rules! What’s right? What is too much? What’s enough? It’s enough to cause confusion and Read More