Healthy Gut Healthy Body: What you Need to Know

The human body is home to over 100 trillion microorganisms, the majority of which are found in the gastrointestinal tract (“gut”). Taken as a whole, this community of microorganisms, their genes and the functions they encode, are referred to as the microbiome. During the past two decades, research has revealed significant associations between the gut Read More

Natural Medicine for Seasonal Allergies

Ah, Spring! We welcome the pleasant weather, the scent of new blossoms, and open our windows to the rush of fresh air. Along with that, we invite in pollen, grass, mold, and spores. For those who are allergic, our bodies launch a major immune response designed to flush out the offensive agents. This can result Read More

Become an Informed Consumer

Eat this, not that. One day a certain supplement or medication is great for you, but a week later you’re being advised not to take it. Eggs were ‘bad’ for a few year, and now suddenly the tide has turned and it’s okay to eat them again? It’s a head spinner that’s for sure. How Read More

Healthy Pregnancy Tips

Holistic Therapies for a Healthy Pregnancy I often see a number of fertility as well as pregnant and post-partum patients in the office. Each comes with its own levels of issues, so our goal as Naturopathic Doctors is to support where every person is at. For this piece, let’s focus on the nine months of Read More

Beat the Heat: Different Choices for Menopausal Support

What is Menopause? Strictly put, it is the time in a woman’s life where their natural menstrual cycles cease permanently and hormone levels once necessary for reproduction, gradually diminish. It is a normal physiological process that can occur typically between the ages of 45 – 55, the average age being 51. In order to be Read More

Preventing Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome

Have you been diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus (DM)? Have you been told that you have increased cholesterol, hypertension and rising blood sugar levels, even if some of these look ‘normal’ on a lab test? Unfortunately, leaving any of these conditions untreated can lead to numerous complications – heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, circulation problems, lower Read More

Safe and Happy Summer

Each season brings its own kind of fun and enjoyment, but with these pluses also come a special set of challenges. The arrival of summer is no exception. As the sun beats down and the air heats up, remember these 5 important tricks to help you stay safe and healthy this summer.   Stay hydrated, Read More

Secrets of Healthy, Sexy Men

Fathers Day is just around the corner, and a lot of us will be honouring the men in our life in various ways. June is also men’s health and prostate cancer awareness month. My belief is that a great way to honour Dads is to take care of their health in the best way possible Read More

6 Health Benefits of Apples

Here’s to the humble apple: I had the pleasure this past weekend at the Naturopathic Physician conference in Vancouver to meet a member of the Bragg family – the people behind the famous Braggs line of products like Liquid Aminos, #AppleCiderVinegar and much more. It was also a great reminder of the power of consuming Read More

7 Reasons Why You are Always Tired

I hear the same thing over and over in my practice – “I just don’t have enough energy!” “I’m so tired all the time.” One of the top five health concerns that I see when new patients arrive in my office is that their energy levels aren’t sufficient enough and often complain of fatigue, especially Read More